Empowering Disabled Riders in Yorkshire
owner Jackie Butterfield
licence number
Here at the RDA we are in dire need of some more volunteers. Anyone can apply from the age of 12+. Through the week especially on Tuesdays and Wednesdays we would love some more adult volunteers to come join us. For more information on volunteering please visit or volunteer page on the website. You will also find a link to the volunteer application form which you will need to fill out if you would like to volunteer with us. You may contact us through email or phone.
Email: jackie@haworthrdagroup.org
Phone:01535 649448
About Us
We here at Haworth RDA are solely focused on enabling disabled riders in and around Yorkshire to learn and excel in horse riding, for leisure or competitions. We were founded in 2001 and have now been in operation for 19 years, always trying to improve our services, with better facilities and better support for our riders.