Our Horses

Bella is another one of our lovable horses who enjoys her work in the arena. She is a pie-balled cob and is 14.1hh She has been with for a while now and has majorly improved in her time with us. She was generously donated by Lucy Hargreaves.

Captain (Captain Jack Sparrow) is a 14.2hh dales gelding. Born in 2009 he joined Haworth RDA in 2013, he has allowed us to expand and bring us home an ever-growing collection of awards and achievements, for his stunning performances.

Domino is probably our sassiest horses on the yard, hes capable of pretty much everything from competitions to school work. He is also a pie-balled and is 14hh.

Bonny is a 9.1hh black Shetland mare. Born in 1998, she joined the Haworth RDA team in 2007. She is a lovely pony and although she is the smallest horse on the yard she certainly won't be bullied by any of the larger horses, having a great character. Bonny is semi-retired and is one of the oldest horses on the yard and is one of the most lovable.

Beauty is a 12hh grey mare, born in 2001 she joined the Haworth RDA group in 2009. She is used for stable management lessons and clubs where she is pampered and loves attention. Yet because of issues with spooking we are unable to use her in lessons. She is a horse who prefers quiet and calm people so must be handled with care.

Wispa is a 13hh skewbald mare. Wispa was gifted to us by a close friend in December 2015, she is very active in lessons and has a wonderful character. Wispa has retired from competing as she is now 32 and though she is still used in lessons she is no longer allowed to canter though not for lack of trying.

Ruby is a 15hh dark bay mare, born in 2001 joining us in 2011 she was very nappy in the beginning but now is a true RDA pony well-loved by all. She is used for everything from lessons to national level competitions and is an all-round joy to ride and compete with. She has adjusted well to her life here with us and is grate to use in lessons.

Polo has been with us for many years and owned by Jackie Butterfield [Yard Manager] she doesn't attend competitions anymore and has been retired from lessons though she still enjoys her time out in the fields.

Blue is a 17.1hh grey gelding, being an X-Hunt Masters Horse he is a sport horse. Blue belongs to Laura but is used by volunteers and used in exams, previously he was owned by Captain Mark Phillips and was to be used for BE 100 Eventing. Blue was born in Ireland and was bought from Glousteshire in 2010. Blue tends to pull faces at you when you walk past his box but is a wimp at heart and a big softie, as well as being the tallest horse on the yard.

Honey is the newest addition to the RDA family and is one of the sweetest horses we have ever met, She is a shire horse and is 16hh. She can carry a large range of riders and has made massive improvements in her time here so far. We are so exited to watch her improve even more over her wonderful stay here. No matter what the weather she is always up for a long cuddle session.